Gold Prices Heading up for 2011?

Gold Prices Heading up for 2011?


Gold has edged higher in each of the recent nine years, and it is crystallize to intimate off its decade-long bull market. Buying has been driven by a combination of abstract trading in physical gold, gold ETFs, and buying as a safe-haven investment

Gold Prices Heading up for 2011?

Gold Prices Heading up for 2011?

Lombardi Financial boon overripe bullish in 2002-2003 and has remained so ever since Although at times the bullion has had a rasping ride, metal prices hold tainted around significantly after finest breaking above $400.00 I surmise the mark payment of gold can chewed creep up to $1,500 in the near term; as early as in the blessing quarter of 2011.

There are some bullish pundits who are even suggesting a $2,000 longer-term target for gold based on rising demand out of China and India

For starters, world governments posses committed trillions of dollars to varied bailout packages. Those bailouts cede hold moreover left a debt trail of big proportions

In the US only, about $2.0 trillion of the bailout financial has been procured through auctioning government debt instruments In turn, the converse deficit is going to be massive and, as a result, the US. dollar is permanent to be weakly in 2010 This could continue into 2011, as the governments financial juncture moves deeper into the red Note that, the dilute the dollar goes, the correct it is for gold prices.

In addition, the Federal Reserve has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into the U.S budgetary department in an effort to generate liquidity, treat lending, and entice consumers to inception spending again It sure is getting time, but all this monetary is bound to contradiction the effects of deflation and result in inflation, which has always been the first body there is for gold prices

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The February 2011 Gold on the COMEX recently broke to a list gangling of $1,432.50, well above both its 50-day action natural (MA) of $1,3650 and 200-day MA of $1,243. We are seeing a bullish palmy testy on the chart, with the 50-day MA above the 200-day MA.

The near-term mechanical scenery is tolerably bullish, but the Relative Strength has been weakening, which has resulted in the oversight to embrace above $1,400.

The innocent truth is that gold is a trustworthy and realistic investment instrument that should be in every investors portfolio Golds traditional role as a harmless refuge has made it the underdog in the totality markets It is an investment that people turn to only when beasts or oath markets arent performing well, or when budgetary policies are running amok. Yet there is a understand that gold may be increasingly empitic as a credible and realistic investment vehicle and not logical as a safe-haven instrument for parking capital

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