Top 10 Gujarati Wedding Rituals

Top 10 Gujarati Wedding Rituals


Gujarati weddings are declared to be colorful and zestful. Like each and every hindu wedding, the Gujarati nuptial furthermore has rituals that are carried out before the wedding, on the wedding day and after the marital rituals keep been completed

Top 10 Gujarati Wedding Rituals

Top 10 Gujarati Wedding Rituals

The atmosphere in a Gujarati wedding is always vivacious, vibrant and sprightly The main Gujarati marriage rituals are listed below:1.Mandap mahurat and Griha shaanti These are two pujas that are performed at the brides dwelling and the bridegrooms accommodation separately. The mandap mahurat is performed to ward away rejection spirits and transact advantage luck and money to the newly wedded span The griha shaanti is a puja that is performed to ensure that a happy matrimonial life for the couple-to-be It is at this time that an auspicious juncture and date for the marital is pronounced by a priest2.Garba No Gujarati married is entire without a garba ceremony Garba is performed a few nights before the marital day and the families of the bride and the bridegroom come together to perform raas or gambol with dandiya sticks to wedding songs. This is a point of fun and prance before the additional serious marriage rituals start3.Pithi The pithi is furthermore performed at the home of the bride and bridegroom separately The bride and bridegroom are anointed with a compound made of turmeric and imperative oils to make the skin beautiful and glowing 4.Ponkvu The Gujarati wedding actually begins with the arrival of the bridegroom and the honour of the bridegroom by the brides mother. The tribute besides includes a jocose afair where the brides mother tries to grab the bridegrooms nose, symbolically implying that the bridegroom had to squeeze his nose at the brides quarters to ask for her workman in marriage5.Jaimala The Gujarati jaimala ceremony involves a formal introduction between the bride and the bridegroom Initially the bridegroom is on a higher platform and then end on duplicate footing 6.Madhuparka A ceremony that is meant to make the bridegroom feel like a king, this ritual involves washing the grooms feet and given honey and milk 7.Kanya agamana The bride is brought to the mandap by her maternal uncle and antarpat (curtain between the bride and the bridegroom) is slowly lowered so that the rituals can begin 8.Kanyadaan, Hastha milap, Mangalpheras and Saptapadi The rituals at the mandap beginning with the Sanskrit shlokas being recited by the intellectual The kanyadaan is the ceremony in which the father of the bride gives away his daughters hand in conjugal to the bridegroom The hastha milap involves the bride and the bridegroom holding hands and receiving the mangalpheras around the holy flame and the saptapadi is the ritual in which the bride and the bridegroom make seven vows to each additional as they carry seven steps together 9.Saubhagyavalti bhava Once the matrimonial vows are over, seven matrimonial women whisper profit wishes in the remedy ear of the bride They are meant to be giving her benefit advice for her matrimonial life10Chero pakaryo To relieve the serious atmosphere, this ritual has the groom catching the pallu of his mother in charter asking for gifts and favors.After the connubial ceremony is complete the bride is sent off with her new husband and is welcomed in the grooms habitat in a ceremony called Ghar ni Laxmi

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